Monday, March 03, 2008


So Elise a daily schedule of therapy and radiation treatments tomorrow. Wednesday they will assess her and come up with a target discharge date.
I still have a nasty cold but am masked up and spending time with Elise down here at the hospital. I am really excited about knowing a target discharge date. Seems like forever since she's been home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cameron,

Just wanted to say thank you for posting the blogs. I know it's tough to do what your doing, and then manage to have time to keep everyone posted. It's not an easy thing your doing at all. Your doing great man keep it up, I know its tough. I'm excited for this upcoming Monday, when we can all get together and pray, needless to say I'm praying a lot as it is anyway. Call me if you need anything. PEACE OUT!!

Chuck D