Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hospital update thursday

Elise is still in the hospital, hopefully she will be coming home very soon.
The MRI showed some new edema (swelling) causing the seizures I believe, currently she has finally stop having seizures because they finally got here anti-seizure med level to a therapeutic level. She was suffering from in simple terms continuous seizures, the Latin for it sounds much more scientific. Although the seizures have stopped she still is suffering in other ways. Her speech has improved and she can now hold a conversation pretty well but her thoughts are still a bit jumbled. Because of her seizures she couldn't eat or drink without choking so it's day three without food or drink for her. She is having a really hard time with that, hard to not give her stuff too.
She is hoping to come home today, but they won't let her go until she can pass the swallow tests.
Also she has her scheduled chemo today which they are continuing with.
We fell into our old hospital groove without missing a beat, Suanne stayed last night and I did the night before, it's surreal how familiar everything has been, same faces and some of the same patients around.
I don't know when she will be home but I hope it's really soon, in the meantime she is in room 4240 at the UW Medical Center.
More later

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