Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays All.
Thank you for the gifts we all love them, in return I promise that when I`m rich I`ll buy each of you AMC Pacers, hahaha, just kidding.
Things are well at the Kinnamons except for doing the Christmas scramble.
School has ended and I will hopefully make Deans List again. The only grade I got back so far was a 3.9 in my Database Design class.
Elise is well, and looking forward to taking some vacation time.
Jasper has almost fully graduated to underwear, and uses a full size potty for #1, still working on #2, its a challenge. You know, when I was younger I never thought I`d be so excited to have someone pee in a toilet. But the life of a parent is a weird one.
Well I`ll get back on here soon.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a couple more vids

This one is a bit older, he was going through a phase in which he loved fake falling in footie pajamas

jasper was obsessed with chuck norris because of the 1986 cartoon chuck norris` karate commandos.

here is an older pic of jasper around 1 y.o.
cute kid

and this is a recent pic of Jasper rocking out.
haha, he rules

and just for giggles
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, June 18, 2006

happy fathers day

Happy Fathers Day to our family Dads.
I am also celebrating the end of my first quarter in college. I think the quarter went rather well.
I haven`t recieved my grades yet, but I did really well all quarter with my classes, so I kinda know what to expect.
Gotta go,
cameron and family

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Well, welcome family to the new site for The Kinnamons, I had to move it so I could post video.
enjoy and feel free to comment.

and yet more


jasper movies