So today some things were figured out and I got the good news that means a bit of financial security for us. It really couldn't have come at a better time.
I have been a complete stress case for a few months worried about this so it is definitely a huge weight lifted.
The book we were working on with our friends had to be put on the back-burner due to illness in our house and theirs. Hopefully it'll be done next week.
It seems like the sickest fall/winter yet, I swear every other week were dealing with a cough or sniffle of some sort. Right now I have a nasty head-cold that is also messing with my lungs, but I feel I'm on the mend. Jasper has a slight cough but seems otherwise to be fine.
I look back on recent posts and see a lot of "we're sick", hopefully our health will improve in the coming months.
Jasper really blows me away. He is so much like Elise it's almost like having her here. His blond hair, her eyes, her smile, her passion for reading and funny little behaviors and tendencies she had. Today I asked him a question, which he answered by talking about what I asked about but never answered the question. Elise used to do that all the time and it would always make me giggle when she did.
We had a good Thanksgiving with a turkey roast(I'm not even trying to cook a full bird). I think it might have been my first time cooking a Thanksgiving dinner. It came out great and we even had a friend over for the dinner.
So happy holidays all,